Miami Escorts: Escort Services vs. Independents
Some people believe that by working with independent escorts will save them tons of money, since independent providers don’t have to pay commissions and can probably offer a better price. Others, prefer to arrange their date directly with escorts, hoping that after initial introduction fee they would be able to date an independent escort models free of charge.
How close are those believes to reality? Can you really save money by working with 100% independent providers?
The good example is FSBO vs. Real Estate Brokers. If you are the seller, can you imagine how much work you will have to do, how much money you would have to spend on advertising and how much time you will have to spend showing your property to potential buyers. If you are the buyer, do you really think that you would be able to buy the property from FSBO for less money? There are usually two reasons why people decide to sell their property as FSBO: they want to sell it for the highest price possible without paying real estate commission or because they want way more money for their property than it’s market value and brokers don’t want to deal with them.
It’s very similar story here in escort service industry!
In addition to huge advertising costs, independent providers have to handle non-stop calls and texts from potential customers even while they are on a date with another customer. As a result, they have to give up their personal life completely. They also put themselves into huge safety and security risks by working with customers who were not professionally pre-screened.
It takes a lot of hard work and a lot of time to build a client base even for escort service brokers, who constantly offer new faces to their clients. To build a client base for an independent provider is much more difficult, since many clients like variety of the girls. The escort brokers represent multiple models, therefore if the model that the client wanted to meet is booked, they can suggest other available models and therefore have better ROI for advertising expenses and can pass on those savings to their clients.
Most of the gorgeous escort models prefer to work with reputable escort service brokers, just like most of people who are selling their property prefer to work with Realtors.
Those escorts who are good in building a websites, advertising, marketing and business management end up opening their own escort agencies instead of working as an independent providers.
Of course, there are escorts who did not qualify to be represented by escort service brokers or escort agencies and there are girls who got fired from every company they worked with for numerous problems and complaints from the customers. This category of girls ether charge the city or try to promote themselves on their own.
Is it worth it to deal with escort service agents / brokers?
Reputable escort services such as LUXE Miami Escorts carefully select the models that they represent. In addition to glamorous looks, the girls need to have fantastic personality, be outgoing, fun and pleasure to spend time with. And, of course, need to have fantastic feedbacks from the clients they met.
Reputable escort services promote their name, care about customer’s satisfaction and do everything possible to build a long-term relationship with their clients.
Of course, there are many escort agencies that are scam! Many of them spend just a few hours to build a quick website, put a few ads on the internet and start to rip off their customers right away. When one website has bad reputation, they just shot it down and open another one.
Are all the girls advertised as Independent Miami Escorts really independent?
Absolutely not! Most of people who run “scam” escort agencies also place multiple “independent” escort ads all over the internet, each ad with a different phone number. When customers think that they order a gorgeous independent provider, they end up with a cheap and ugly girl, sent to them by one of those “scam” agencies. The girl who wants to charge them 5 times her market value and to rip them off in every way possible.
Don’t be a victim of another scam! Allow LUXE Miami Escorts to meet and exceed all your expectations and desires! Book our stunning escort model today!